G. Landsbergis: Relations between Lithuania and Germany are flourishing

2023 m. gruodžio 22 d. 08:10
Relations between Lithuania and Germany are thriving, but the two countries must respond appropriately to the war launched by Russia in Ukraine, says Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis.
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„After years of working together in a peaceful environment, we face a new reality – war and unpredictability. While this is very painful for our countries, the times are coming back when the border is again rising in Europe. Fortunately, this time, it is not called the Berlin Wall. However, the events we are witnessing in Ukraine may determine which city, in the event of a disaster, will have to give a new name to this wall,“ Landsbergis told the Lithuanian-German Forum conference Lithuania and Germany: Europe 2023“ at the Seimas on Monday.
The Minister, therefore, stresses the importance of responding appropriately to Russia's aggression in Ukraine.
„In today's situation, years of joint efforts could evaporate instantly if we do not respond properly to what is happening in our immediate neighbourhood. We cannot pretend that the events in Ukraine and related events are taking place on the other side of an imaginary, virtual screen that we can turn off, pause or turn up the volume and naively hope that we will not be affected by anything,“ emphasised Mr Landsbergis.
The Minister points out that there has been an awakening in Germany since the outbreak of the Ukraine war.
„There has indeed been a change in policy in Germany, an awakening that has led to a much greater convergence in our threat assessments,“ Landsbergis said.
„Germany's decision to deploy more than 5,000 troops in Lithuania is of geostrategic, geopolitical and geo-economic significance for both countries. This decision is a strong sign of a geopolitical Europe. As Ursula von der Leyen said. Finally, it is a clear demonstration that Europe can be united and contribute to its security,“ he added.
On Monday, the Defence Ministers of Lithuania and Germany will sign an action plan to deploy the brigade in Lithuania.
ELTA recalls that Germany is one of Lithuania's most important allies, significantly contributing to regional security. Among the most critical areas of military cooperation between Lithuania and Germany are joint exercises, joint participation in international operations, and Lithuania's accession to the German-led European Sky Shield initiative.
Germany has also committed to deploy a brigade-sized military unit in the country. Two German combat battalions, currently deployed in Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia, will be deployed in the country as the core of a new German military brigade, the Ministry of Defence announced.
The first armoured brigade unit and its organisational headquarters will arrive in Lithuania in 2024.
The bulk of the German brigade will be deployed in Lithuania in 2026. However, the parties have agreed to sign a detailed plan for the redeployment by 22 December this year.

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