Kasčiūnas responds to German intelligence's thoughts on a possible Russian attack: Support for Ukraine postpones these scenarios

2024 m. spalio 15 d. 12:49
Responding to German intelligence that the Russian army could attack NATO countries by 2030, Minister of National Defence Laurynas Kasčiūnas stresses the importance of supporting Ukraine to avoid this. A successful Ukrainian defence, he said, would delay a possible Baltic attack.
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„The timetable depends on how the Ukrainians fare in the fight. By fighting, they are breaking Russia's military machine, stopping the expansion of power and pushing all scenarios away from the Alliance and from us, the Baltic countries“, Kasčiūnas told reporters at the Seimas on Tuesday.
„All-out support for Ukraine distances any scenarios (of a Russian attack – ELTA) from ourselves, which is also our defence,“ he said.
Reflecting on Russia's capabilities, the minister believes that providing weapons will challenge the Kremlin regime. He said a possible attack could be based on economic objectives.
„They may have more challenges with the technical supply of weapons. There are different moments here; in some places, they continue to produce very successfully, and in others, they do not. But the fact is that they have built their economy on the rails of the war economy, and they are spinning their wheels“, Kasčiūnas said.
„Many economists consider that once you put your country on the needle of the war economy, it is challenging to get off it. You must always have imperialist ambitions, so it programs you to want to penetrate somewhere,“ he added.
According to German intelligence, Russian troops could attack NATO countries by 2030, ELTA recalls Bruno Kahl, president of the BND, the Federal Intelligence Service, warned that Germany is in confrontation with Russia and could become a target of Moscow's aggression on Monday during a public hearing of the Bundestag's parliamentary control committee.
Despite the expulsion of many agents working under diplomatic cover since Russia went to war in Ukraine, Russian special services have become more active in Germany.

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