Šimonytė: I would like it to be the end of populism, hatred, and Kremlin narratives

2024 m. spalio 11 d. 11:17
Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, who cast her vote in the early Seimas elections, hopes that, contrary to the words of Social Democrat leader Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, after the elections, there will be an „end in the road to populism, hatred and the Kremlin's narratives“.
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„I would like to see the end to populism, hatred, Kremlin narratives and all the other things that are destroying our country. I hope that this will be the case,“ Šimonytė told journalists on Thursday, paraphrasing the words of the leader of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP).
She reiterated her earlier remarks that she did not understand the rhetoric of the Social Democratic leader.
„I don't know whether Ms. Vilija’s blood pressure hasn’t subsided since it first rose, or if she is somehow trying, thinking about a possible future coalition with Žemaitaitis, to learn that style of communication and strange vocabulary, strange descriptions. I don’t know why a politician would need such experience,“ said I. Šimonytė.
As previously reported, Blinkevičiūtė, who took part in the early voting on Wednesday, reiterated that after the Seimas elections, she does not intend to work together with the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD). In the politician's opinion, the Conservatives and their leader, Landsbergis, who have recently been talking about a rainbow coalition, are in „complete agony“.
„I think that the Conservatives, and especially Gabrielius Landsbergis, are in a state of agony because he no longer knows what label to stick on and what to do,“ the Social Democrats' Chairwoman told journalists.
Despite such statements, Šimonytė assures that the Conservatives have no animosity towards working with the Social Democrats.
„What the Conservatives are trying to say is that in the current election campaign, there is minimal discussion about what fellow opponents would do better. We hear that they would do more and more. It is more that any government will naturally do, simply because as Lithuania gets richer and has greater financial opportunities, „more and more“ will be automatic as the economy grows. The question is to what extent“, she said.
„The main message here is that there is no prejudice that people who care about the state are unsuitable to support or co-operate with the Homeland Union just because their name is Social Democrats. I don't know why it is different on the other side, and it's probably not for me to explain,“ Šimonytė summarised.
Conservative leader Landsbergis has repeatedly mentioned that he could see joint work with the LSDP. He has not ruled out that the Conservatives will participate in the future governing majority and will form a „rainbow coalition“ with the Social Democrats.

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