Business community in Paupys is taking shape: it now has a kindergarten

2024 m. spalio 15 d. 10:31
The Paupys district, developed by Darnu Group, has recently welcomed businesses offering education, healthcare, and recreational services, making it an almost complete business community with over fifty enterprises. There are only four premises left in the area – two for rent and two for sale.
Daugiau nuotraukų (1)
When creating Paupys, our goal has always been to ensure that both residents and visitors can find all the services they need for their daily lives – this is one of the essential conditions for a high quality of life in the city. The two new clinics, a kindergarten, and a massage parlour in Paupys have been successfully integrated into the district's ecosystem, providing even more convenience for residents and those in the surrounding area, with everything they need for everyday life at their fingertips,“ says Mykolas Čiplys, Head of Sales and Rental at Darnu Group.
The kindergarten Majaus sapnas in Paupys, which cares for children from the age of two, focuses on emotional development and offers additional creative and language classes. Gerovės klinika and Vilnelės klinikos offer family healthcare, along with diagnostic and treatment services. Meanwhile, MAÏ massage studio contributes to enhancing your well-being.
According to the representative of Darnu Group, more than 60 companies have purchased or rented commercial premises in the district, and soon another high-quality restaurant, spa, and clothing boutique will join them.
„The attractive location, variety of functions, established points of interest, developed public spaces, and the availability of diverse retailers and service providers within one district are also appealing to businesses. For example, the Paupio turgus food court attracts 1.4 million visitors a year, creating additional value for other businesses in the area,“ says Čiplys.
In addition to the mentioned brands, Paupys features cafes, restaurants, a cinema, a bank, grocery stores, shops, health and beauty facilities, sports centres, an eyewear store, a veterinary clinic, a variety of retailers, and many other businesses.
A significant portion – almost one-fifth – of the businesses operating in Paupys consists of wellness service providers, including clinics, sports facilities, physical therapy clubs, massage and cosmetology salons. The increasing focus on the health and well-being of the population is drawing more visitors to Paupys, where the availability of such services is successfully expanding and yielding strong business results,“ notes Čiplys.
The company is currently finalizing the last two phases of construction in Paupys, with the district’s development expected to be completed later this year.

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