Suspicious fires in neighbouring countries may also affect Lithuania: warn of exceptionally high risk in these areas

2024 m. gegužės 20 d. 11:06
Augustė Lyberytė
​With fires in shopping centres recently recorded in neighbouring countries, Vilmantas Vitkauskas, Head of the National Crisis Management Centre (NKVC), says that the level of such provocations in Lithuania is quite high. He says that this is why the country's law enforcement services have been on high alert over the past few weeks. In this context, the Head of the NKVC notes that the public and businesses are urged to take preventive security action.
Daugiau nuotraukų (1)
„The threat level is quite high. We would urge the public to remain vigilant. We have consulted and given guidance to both companies and security services responsible for the security of individual sites. This work is ongoing – we are consulting and inviting people to raise the level of vigilance, to strengthen the vigilance in public facilities a little bit,“ the Head of the NKVC told reporters on Friday.
„The threat of arson, which we see from neighbouring countries, also exists in Lithuania. Therefore, we call on companies and security services to be vigilant, monitor the situation, and record possible suspicious incidents,“ Vitkauskas urged.
He assured that the specialists' recommendations are relevant for all businesses, especially for companies related to trade, support to Ukraine, and the production and trade of flammable materials. Asked whether provocations could be directed against individuals or activists collecting support for Ukraine, Mr Vitkauskas said the services did not see any such indications.
According to Mr Vitkauskas, the police and other public security services have already raised their level of preparedness several weeks ago.
At that time, businesses and companies are urged to protect their facilities. The NKVC has issued relevant recommendations on the prevention of possible provocations. The Centre notes that enhanced physical and cyber security of enterprises would significantly reduce the likelihood of various operations and, therefore, suggests closer monitoring of the situation in and around the protected facilities. It also calls for fire safety systems to be checked and maintained and for staff training and exercises to be organised.
„Companies should raise their level of vigilance, activate their safety campaigns, and their security services – to record certain suspicious activities,“ said Vitkauskas.
„The time when fires or attacks can occur is at night. This is when 24/7 vigilance must be maintained. Weekends are the time when similar incidents happen,“ he said.
Incidents are organised via Telegram
According to the NKVC, recent incidents are being organised through the Telegram app, whereby individuals are rewarded for specific jobs related to information, cyber, or kinetic activities.
„There are usually invitations on Telegram channels. So far, I have not come across any such invitation in Lithuanian. But this does not mean it will not appear today or tomorrow,“ said Vitkauskas.
According to him, so far, looking at the incidents both in Lithuania and abroad, the provocations have not been caused by local people.
Vitkauskas urges citizens who notice suspicious activity on the Telegram app or elsewhere to report it immediately to the authorities.
„If you see such an invitation, you are urged to inform the police immediately,“ said the Head of the NKVC.
Ikea shopping centre fires a potential provocation
When asked about fire incidents that could be considered provocations, Vitkauskas mentioned last week's fire at the Ikea shopping centre.
„Last week, we had an incident in the Ikea shopping centre, and the investigation is ongoing. According to the pattern, the description of the facility and the materials there, it would fall within the range we are talking about“, he said, adding that similar cases have been recorded in Poland, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.
„The pattern is similar. They try to get inside and look for the places that are the most likely to be set on fire – the most likely to burn and the easiest to get into. They also try to see where the security systems are to eliminate and disable them“, the Head of the NKVC elaborated.
ELTA recalls that last week, a fire broke out in the Ikea shopping centre. It is suspected that the fire was caused by arson.
A pre-trial investigation has been opened for destruction or damage to property in a generally dangerous manner. This is punishable by a fine or restriction of liberty, arrest or imprisonment for up to five years.
The shopping centre was closed on Thursday as a result of the fire.

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