Gražulis explains his much-hyped decision on aid to Ukraine

2024 m. spalio 23 d. 12:43
Following the news that Petras Gražulis voted against the EUR 35 billion loan to Ukraine in the European Parliament (EP), the politician says it was a human error. He says he supports the project and has already asked for his vote to change.
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„There has been a mistake. There were many amendments in the resolution, and I voted against them because they included proposals to reduce funding“, Gražulis told Elta.
„I made a mistake; that vote takes a few seconds. It was a human error; the phone rang, and I didn't hear what was being voted on at that time. I thought it was a routine amendment, but at that time, the vote was already in favour of the whole project,“ he emphasised.
The MEP stresses that he has already asked to change his vote.
„Since the system allows it, I corrected the vote. I have written to see if my correction has been accepted,“ said Mr Gražulis.
The 15-minute portal reported on Tuesday that the politician voted against a EUR 35 billion loan to Ukraine, which would have been covered by profits from Russia's frozen assets in the West.
According to the portal, Lithuanian MEPs Virginijus Sinkevičius and Waldemar Tomaszewski did not take part in the vote. In contrast, Vytenis Andriukaitis, Petras Auštrevičius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Rasa Juknevičienė, Andrius Kubilius, Paulius Saudargas, Aurelijus Veryga, and Dainius Žalimas voted in favour of supporting Ukraine.
Sinkevičius was not convinced by such arguments of Gražulis
Moments from the headquarters of the Union led by Petras Gražulius
Explaining why he did not participate in the vote, Mr Sinkevičius told that currently he is in Lithuania and, therefore, was not attending the EP session.
„Before deciding on whether or not to participate in the session, my group and I were checking what the votes would be, one of which was on loan to Ukraine, and we saw that the numbers were clearly in favour of the decision being taken, and it was taken. If I am not mistaken, „ five hundred eighteen votes in favour and 61 against is a huge majority, and there was no threat,“ Sinkevičius explained to the portal.
However, the MEP said he was not convinced by Gražulis statements on voting against the project.
„Gražulis simply does not understand what he is voting for – he voted the way his group's voting sheet indicates. Since he is in the group that is the only one that will always vote against any Ukraine-related issue, he pressed the button as it was marked on the sheet – I have no doubt“, Sinkevičius said.
Tomaszewski says he did not attend the meeting
At the time, Mr Tomaszewski told Elta that he had been absent from the EP all day on Tuesday, not only during this vote. However, the MEP did not want to disclose the reasons for his absence.
„I was not present in the Parliament at all. I know the reason; I wasn't even in town,“ the politician told Elta.
This support will be essential to the G7 commitment of up to EUR 50 billion to Ukraine in June. The agreement will be part of a major USD 50 billion commitment to Ukraine.
Many lawmakers approved the EU loan, which is part of a larger USD 50 billion initiative agreed by the G7 in June.
The EU is the first of the G7 countries to announce its share of the plan and is still waiting for the US and other countries to commit their share.
The European Union's (EU) macro-financial assistance is expected to be disbursed by the end of 2025, but only if Ukraine respects human rights, the rule of law, and effective democratic mechanisms.
The final loan disbursement still needs the EU Council's formal approval, which is expected to be voted on in a few days.

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