Blinkevičiūtė outlined her position on the disagreements between Skvernelis and Karbauskis

2024 m. spalio 17 d. 12:08
Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, leader of the Social Democrats, who won the first round of the Seimas elections, does not address the disagreements prevailing among the potential partners of the ruling majority – the Peasants and Democrats Vardan Lietuvos (In the Name of Lithuania).
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The politician says that the sharp rhetoric currently used by political forces against each other is a pre-election phenomenon.
After the second round, Blinkevičiūtė is confident that the three political forces will find compromise solutions.
„I think a large part of the current political rhetoric is pre-election. When the elections are over, everyone understands that we have to work together and have no other choice because the people of Lithuania have decided so. Therefore, we will form a ruling coalition; we are seriously discussing support for the second round with the Peasants and the Democrats,“ Blinkevičiūtė told Info TV on Wednesday.
„Sometimes there will be a diversity of opinions on some things; perhaps, it will be necessary to sit at a common table more, looking for a compromise, and perhaps that search will be long. But I believe that it will be. Because both are experienced politicians. (...) So I do not doubt that we will find solutions, reach an agreement, maybe we will have a little sparkle, but everything will come together, and you will see how strong we will have a ruling majority“, – said the politician.
Former comrades Karbauskis and Skvernelis have repeatedly drawn red lines when working together.
The Chairman of the Peasant Party has previously said that he would only be in a coalition with Vardan Lietuvos if the former Prime Minister, Skvernelis, was not in the government.
For his part, Skvernelis has said that he would like to avoid a coalition with the Peasants. According to him, a party Chairman who is not running for the Seimas would hinder cooperation.
The first round of the Seimas elections took place on Sunday. According to data from the Chief Election Commission (VRK), the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) received the highest support in the multi-mandate constituency, with 19.36% of the votes. The latter has already secured 18 seats in Seimas. The ruling Conservatives are not far behind with 17 seats. Meanwhile, the third-placed party, Nemuno Aušra (Dawn of Nemunas), led by Žemaitaitis, has secured 14 seats in the Seimas in the multi-mandate constituency.
Vardan Lietuvos (In the Name of Lithuania) has already won 8 seats in the Seimas, while LVŽS – 6.
However, in two weeks' time, the second round of the Seimas elections will take place. MPs will be elected in single-mandate constituencies—eight of them have already won seats in the first round.

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