A final answer from Blinkevičiūtė on the post of Prime Minister and Žemaitaitis in the coalition

2024 m. spalio 14 d. 14:20
Members of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP), which celebrated its victory in the first round of the Seimas elections, outlined their views on the new ruling coalition during a press conference on Monday.
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What will the governing majority look like?
Gintautas Paluckas, Vice-Chairman of the Social Democratic Party, argued that what the Social Democrats have been saying throughout this election campaign has been confirmed.
„People want change, and they want to change the Conservative government. It seems to be on the side of the Social Democrats“, said Paluckas.
Journalists asked the Social Democrats about a possible coalition with Remigijus Žemaitaitis' Nemuno Aušra (The Dawn of Nemunas).
Party Chairwoman Vilija Blinkevičiūtė pointed out that there were no scenarios when Nemuno Aušra, led by Remigijus Žemaitaitis, could be a coalition partner of the Social Democrats.
„There is undoubtedly no such scenario because we have reassessed that we can be in a coalition, as we have agreed, with the Vardan Lietuvos (In the Name of Lithuania) party, in the same way as with the Peasants.
We have considered that several candidates from all three of our parties have made it to the second round, and I hope these second rounds will be successful because we have agreed to support each other“.
If, after the second round, there were still not enough mandates for a convincing majority, Blinkevičiūtė said that it would be possible to talk with the Liberal Movement and with some politicians elected in single-mandate elections.
Paluckas had similar thoughts.
„We sincerely hope that the Social Democrats and Lithuania will not have to make such difficult decisions. We now see a basic coalition with the Democrats and the Peasants. And if such a reserve were needed and there were points of contact, we could also see the possibility of cooperation with the Liberal Movement,“ Paluckas said.
The promise of the post of Prime Minister
At the same time, Blinkevičiūtė confirmed that she would take up the post of Prime Minister.
„I want to confirm, and I am waiting for the results of the second round, that I will take responsibility and form the Government in the way the people of Lithuania have entrusted us,“ assured Blinkevičiūtė.
The Social Democrat leader indicated that she would resign from her mandate as MEP after the second round of the Seimas elections.
According to data from the Chief Election Commission (VRK), the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania won 19.36% of the votes in the multi-mandate constituency and currently has 19 seats.

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