Landsbergis welcomes President's meeting with Blinkevičiūtė: the LSDP needs support in the fight against radicals

2024 m. spalio 1 d. 12:48
Conservative leader Gabrielius Landsbergis congratulates President Gitanas Nausėda, who has stated that he does not see any possibility for Remigijus Žemaitaitis, leader of Nemunas Aušra, to work as a minister in the new Government.
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According to the politician, the President's support for the Social Democrats is also welcome because, as Landsbergis notes, the President is strengthening classical political forces and contributing to the country's protection from radicals.
However, according to the politician in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (URM), Nausėda „should say „A“ and „B“ Landsbergis argues that the presidency could make efforts to keep anti-Semitic parties out of not only the Cabinet of Ministers but also the ruling majority.
„With the latest sociological research, we can see that there is a danger of an even greater rise of the Žemaitaitis political force, so we agree that the Social Democrats need additional help. Therefore, we understand the President's steps in this direction, and we welcome his statement that Žemaitaitis has no place in the Government,“ Landsbergis told Elta.
„However, having said A, one must also say B, just as in Germany and France, and also in Lithuania – anti-Semitic parties must have no place not only in the Government but also in the ruling majority, because otherwise whatever Government there is, it would become hostage to an anti-Semitic party in the Seimas. The TS-LKD will do everything to help Lithuania avoid such a scenario. Therefore, to achieve our victory, we will also support efforts to strengthen other traditional, classical political forces“, said the politician.
Finally, Landsbergis recalled his calls to the party members a few weeks ago to „stop the radicals“.
„Seeing the rising threat of anti-Semitism in Lithuania and the growing ratings of Žemaitaitis's anti-Semitic party, a couple of weeks ago I urged Conservatives, in the second round of elections where there is no TS-LKD candidate but Žemaitaitis's representatives are running, to unite traditional parties, whether they are currently in Government or opposition, like the Social Democrats,“ summarised the Chairman of the Conservatives.
On Monday, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Chair of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP), met with the country's leader Nausėda. After the meeting, the politician said she and the President discussed the most pressing problems. According to Ms Blinkevičiūtė, the President wished the LSDP to obtain as many seats in Seimas as possible.
„The President simply wished the Social Democrats good luck to have a large majority in the Seimas. I am very grateful to the Head of State“, she added.
For his part, President Nausėda said on Monday that he did not think that Remigijus Žemaitaitis, the leader of Nemuno Aušra (The Dawn of Nemunas), who broke his oath of office as a member of the Seimas after the Seimas elections by making anti-Semitic statements, would be able to become a minister.
„One thing is the party itself; another is Žemaitaitis. When it comes to coalition building, the party itself is involved in coalition building. When it comes to the formation of the Government after the parliamentary elections have taken place, the role of the President is significant here. After these endless speeches and pearls of wisdom by Mr Žemaitaitis, unfortunately, I would put it in quotation marks. I do not see any possibility for this person to work as a minister,“ the Head of State told LRT television.
ELTA recalls that observing the growing popularity of Nemuno Aušra, led by the former parliamentarian who broke his oath of office by making anti-Semitic statements, some political parties have publicly stated that they would not see themselves working with this party after the Seimas elections.

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