Poll: people have a more favourable opinion of Skvernelis, Pinskus and Žemaitaitis

2024 m. liepos 31 d. 15:33
The share of the population that favourably evaluates Saulius Skvernelis, the Chairman of the Democratic Union In the Name of Lithuania, has increased by more than ten percentage points over the last month, according to the latest poll by Baltic Research commissioned by Elta. Jonas Pinskus, the leader of the Lithuanian Regions Party, and Remigijus Žemaitaitis, the Chairman of Nemuno Dawn, who has broken his oath as a Member of the Seimas, can also boast of increased popularity.
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The survey, conducted between 21 June and 7 July this year, asked people to rate several politicians and public figures.
As in the past, the most favourable opinion is expressed about the outgoing President Valdas Adamkus—79% of respondents have a favourable opinion of the politician, while 11% have a negative opinion. Another ten per cent had no opinion about Adamkus.
Among the most favourably regarded is the current Head of State, Gitanas Nausėda, who was viewed positively by 75% of respondents. Almost a fifth – 18% – had an unfavourable opinion of the President, while another 7% did not express a clear opinion.
More positive than negative opinions are also expressed about the former President Dalia Grybauskaitė (58% positive, 34% negative), the leader of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (57% positive, 33% negative), the former Minister of National Defence Arvydas Anušauskas (53% positive, 31% negative), the founder of the party Nemuno Dawn, Žemaitaitis (52% positive, 33% negative), former Prime Minister Skvernelis (50% positive, 41% negative), MEP Virginijus Sinkevičius (49% positive, 31% negative), public figure Andrius Tapinas (48% positive, 39% negative), and the Head of the Party of Regions of Lithuania Pinskus (39% positive, 37% negative).
The lowest scores were for representatives of the ruling party
Respondents had unfavourable views of the other politicians in the survey, with more than half of the respondents having more negative than positive views of 8 politicians.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and leader of the Conservatives, Gabrielius Landsbergis, has the lowest approval rating. Three-quarters—76%—of the respondents have a negative view of politics, while less than a fifth—17%—have a positive view.
Vytautas Landsbergis, the Chairman of the Supreme Council-Restorative Seimas, is also not favoured by the population, with 72% of respondents expressing a negative opinion of the professor and 20% a positive one.
The leader of the Freedom Party, Aušrinė Armonaitė, is also seen more negatively than positively in the eyes of the public. The Minister of Economy and Innovation is viewed unfavourably by 70% of the population and positively by 21%.
People also have a more negative opinion of Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė (67% unfavourably, 26% favourably) and Viktor Uspaskich, who has returned to the Labour Party (65% unfavourably, 20% favourably). Eduardas Vaitkus (60% unfavourably, 16% favourably), MEP Petras Gražulis (59% unfavourably, 30% favourably), and Kaunas mayor Visvaldas Matijošaitis (55% unfavourably, 33% favourably).
The public's favourability towards Skvernelis and Pinskus increased the most
Compared to the survey conducted in May, the share of the population that favourably responded to the leader of In the Name of Lithuania, Skvernelis, increased the most in June. In the first month of the summer, 11% more respondents had a favourable opinion of the MP than at the end of spring.
The rating of Pinskus, the Chairman of the Party of Regions of Lithuania, has also improved slightly, with a 7% increase in his rating during the month. Since May, the number of people who have positive opinions of Žemaitaitis has increased by six percentage points, while the assessment of both the former Minister of National Defence, Anušauskas, and the current Head of the Ministry of National Defence, Laurynas Kasčiūnas, has increased by 5%.
However, in the last month, the Labour Party was less favourably evaluated by the population. Viktor Uspaskich, who has returned to the party's helm, was viewed positively by 6% fewer respondents. However, the survey was carried out before the outgoing MEP temporarily returned to lead the Labour Party. The evaluation of Andrius Mazuronis, the former chairman of the Labour Party, also dropped, with 4% fewer respondents giving him a favourable opinion.
The poll was conducted by Baltic Research, a market and opinion research company in Lithuania and Great Britain, between 21 June and 7 July 2024. The survey involved 1,005 Lithuanian residents (aged 18 and over) who were interviewed in person at 112 sampling points. The respondents correspond to the composition of the Lithuanian population aged 18 years and over in terms of gender, age, nationality and type of settlement. The people surveyed reflect the opinion of the Lithuanian population aged 18 and over.
The margin of error of the survey results is up to 3.1%.

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