Nausėda on the EP election result: turnout does not reflect the opinion of the entire population

2024 m. birželio 12 d. 15:22
President Gitanas Nausėda argues that the results of the European Parliament (EP) elections are directly linked to low turnout. However, the Head of State stresses that 28% of the electorate's vote does not mean that this result reflects the opinion of the entire Lithuanian population.
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„Results are directly linked to participation rates. It is probably not unexpected to say that the lower the turnout, the more certain parties win – and this is exactly what happened“, Nausėda told journalists in Pagėgiai on Monday.
„So perhaps if individual parties were to look at what they can find positive in these elections in such a targeted way, then the Social Democrats could point to the fact that they have won in the absolute majority of municipalities. However, parties such as the Homeland Union or the Freedom Party could show that they performed well in percentage, and the Homeland Union even won these elections, which cannot be denied,“ the President noted.
However, according to Nausėda, given the low turnout, these results do not reflect the opinion of the entire Lithuanian population.
The 28% turnout does not allow us to say that the entire population's opinion was reflected. But he stressed that the population itself, by not taking part in the elections, allowed these 28% to vote.
He pointed to the strengthening of the far-right
At the same time, assessing the results of the EP elections at the European level, Mr Nausėda pointed to strengthening the far-right political forces.
„The influence of far-right parties is growing. Although not radically so, it is increasing, so common European decisions will be even more difficult. So, we will miss that good, real Europeanness and have quite high tensions within Europe itself. Another aspect is the signal this election sends to the parliamentary elections“, the Head of State reflected.
The Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats won the most prominent seats in the European Parliament elections that ended on Sunday. The Conservatives managed to keep 3 of their representatives in the European Parliament. The Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) came second. The left-wing political force won 2 seats. The Lithuanian Peasants' and Greens' Union (LVŽS), the Freedom Party, the Democratic Union In the Name of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Polish Electoral Action-Christian Families Union (LLRA-KŠS), the Union of Nation and Justice (centrists, nationalists) and the Liberal Movement each won one seat.

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