SBA is investing in a factory in the USA

2024 m. spalio 8 d. 13:23
SBA Group decided to invest in the US and set up a furniture factory there. Production is expected to start in October 2025. A team of executives and professionals from SBA Home has been assembled to execute the project. As the project gathers momentum, the companies' leadership in Lithuania is changing.
Daugiau nuotraukų (4)
Jurgita Radzevičė, Head of SBA Home, which unites 4 SBA furniture manufacturing companies in Lithuania, describes the planned investment: „An investment in a Lithuanian capital factory in the USA is a significant moment not only for SBA Group but also for the entire Lithuanian manufacturing business. Shortly, we will decide and choose from three options where our plant will be located on the East Coast. We have already purchased the equipment shipped in 300 containers from Germany to the USA. It will be a highly robotised factory with more than 200 employees“.
Ms Radzevičė shares that the project team has spent over a year researching the US market, looking for potential raw material suppliers, the best logistical location, the most promising labour market, and the most favourable attitude towards investors.
Radzevičė: „I would like to thank the team for their passion, ambition, and countless hours spent helping this project reach its final stage quickly. I am confident that with this enthusiasm, we will start as planned – at the end of next year. SBA's expansion project in the US is led by Ramūnas Marozas, who was recently the Director of the Inno Line plant near Klaipėda. I believe that his experience gained from managing the construction of this plant will be beneficial and expedite the project's implementation“.
The head of Inno Line is replaced by Viktoras Pivorius, previously the Director of Klaipėdos Baldai and Šilutės Baldai. Interested candidates are currently invited to apply for the vacant position. While the selection process is ongoing, the companies have appointed interim executives. Roman Rondarev, previously the Head of Production, will lead Klaipėdos Baldai. Ramūnas Tūtoraitis, the Head of Technical Operations, will be in charge of Šilutės Baldai.
According to Ms Razdevičė, a team of around 30 professionals from Lithuania will work on the project in the US. This creates a great opportunity for employees to pursue internal career growth and for external market talent to become part of the ambitious SBA team.

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