Infes will build the residential project Pasaka in Nemunaičiai

2024 m. rugsėjo 25 d. 12:43
Infes will build a new residential apartment block, Pasaka, on the left bank of the Nemunas River, in the district Nemunaičiai, which SBA Urban is developing in Kaunas. Construction work is set to begin at the end of September. It is planned that the first residents will move in during the first quarter of 2026.
Daugiau nuotraukų (5)
Investments will amount to EUR 14 million
Inga Navickaitė, Director of Urban LIVE, SBA Urban company developing Nemunaičiai, states: „We are progressing rapidly with the further development of Nemunaičiai. After the Hermanas business centre construction started this summer, we will soon start constructing the exclusive residential project Pasaka. We are already receiving a lot of interest and are confident that the demand will increase once the official bookings start in October. We aim to create a vibrant neighbourhood full of art and culture, investing over EUR 280 million into the project, with EUR 14 million dedicated to Pasaka alone. It is an ambitious project, so we are setting high-quality standards for the general contractor. We hope the experienced Infes team will maintain these standards and complete the project on time“.
The A++ energy class residential project Pasaka has seven storeys, with the first two for commercial activities. In the 95-apartment project, SBA group's real estate development company will offer 28 – 80 sqm 1–4 room apartments to the market, possibly combining them and creating an exclusive dwelling of almost 160 sqm. Construction work is scheduled for next week, and apartment reservations will start on 3 October.
Kęstutis Taletas, Head of Business Development, Infes, says: „Nemunaičiai district fits perfectly with our company's approach to sustainable growth. It aims to create a modern residential and business environment and contribute to forming a new Kaunas city centre and sustainable city growth. Building spaces that serve people and communities is significant to us. Together with the SBA Urban team, who are driven leaders and take growth and partnerships as seriously as we do, we believe we will create sustainable spaces that foster long-term value for cities“.
A great deal of attention is being devoted to the project's architecture—the building is designed to appear as if it's floating in the air, light and suspended when viewed from Nemunas island and the riverside. According to Taletas, this is one of the biggest challenges in the project. „When constructing the third floor, we will use post-tensioned cable technology, which will allow us to bring to life the idea from architect Rolandas Palekas' team—to seemingly suspend the building's five residential storeys in the air, allowing sunlight to pass through the courtyard gap“.
At the same time, commercial spaces are being developed along H. and O. Minkovskių Street, where essential services for residents will be located, such as wellness studios, cafés, beauty services, and more.
The new centre of Kaunas – inspired by the work of M. K. Čiurlionis
The second stage of Nemunaičiai, with its business centre, residential building and multi-storey car park, marks only the start of significant changes on the left bank of the Nemunas River. Nemunaičiai will expand from 3 hectares to 6 hectares by 2030. According to Navickaitė, the district of exceptional architecture will create and shape the new centre of Kaunas. Public spaces, a central square and a vibrant commercial area for cafes, restaurants and shops are planned. Additionally, the most beautiful promenade on the Nemunaičiai is being designed in the neighbourhood, stretching for 500 metres.
Along the entire Nemunaičiai riverbank, the construction of the M. K. Čiurlionis Concert Hall will soon begin, which will be accessible via a new pedestrian bridge connecting Nemunas island and Kaunas Old Town to the left bank of the river. The buildings inspired by Čiurlionis' works will also be part of the project, with their names linked to his paintings and musical compositions.

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