The economic downturn: enter WEB3 technologies

2023 m. rugsėjo 25 d. 22:48
What can we expect from WEB3 in the next couple of years? This question will be addressed at the "WEB3: Impact the Economy" international conference, to be held on 9th November. Investors, technology enthusiasts, legal experts, and business representatives will discuss the possibilities offered by WEB3 in the new era of the internet; in particular, its impact on the crisis and how to manage it.
Daugiau nuotraukų (2)
Ms. Skaistė Budbergytė-Zabielaitė, the director of the "Crypto Economy Organisation" association, who is organising the conference, has stated that Lithuanian and foreign experts will review current changes in WEB3 technologies and share their insights.
"How does marketing work in the WEB3 sector, what tools and strategies would help attract new users to this sector, and what will our work look like in the context of digitisation and the new era of the Internet? Would the potential of the WEB3 economy diminish as a result of political hostility and weakening business prospects?" These are some of the questions in the programme covered by Ms. Budbergytė-Zabielaitė.
According to Ms. Budbergytė-Zabielaitė, the success of the first WEB3 conference demonstrates the relevance of this topic. The list of conference participants includes, in particular, well-known speakers from abroad.
"During this event last year, we talked about the future; and this year we are focussing on the realities and will be discussing with visiting speakers how WEB3 interacts and enables long-term solutions, the implementation of which should help to ensure a resilient economy in the future. We have confirmed the presence of foreign speakers, and this year experts from Lithuania in their respective fields are also getting involved in WEB3. They will discuss the contribution of WEB3 and the crypto economy in today's current issues," said the conference organiser.
According to her, the main speakers include Deborah Perry Piscione, head of "Work3 Institute", experienced Silicon Valley entrepreneur and process architect, who has worked in the White House; J. D. Salbego, the CEO of "Moonstax" and "Hash3 Labs," and a well-known mentor for WEB3 startups associated with the global accelerator "Techstars"; and Aragorn Meulendijks, a researcher in WEB3, artificial intelligence (AI), and augmented reality.
This conference will include contributions from Lithuanian experts, featuring the latest insights presented by Mindaugas Civilka, a partner at the law firm "TGS Baltic" and the head of the Technology Industry Group; Vytautas Kašėta, the president of the "Crypto Economy Organisation"; Andrius Bartminas, the head of the innovation laboratory "Super How?" and one of its founders; and Gediminas Laucius, the managing partner for legal and tax services at the integrated business services provider "Lewben."
This year's conference will highlight new contacts and networking opportunities in the community. "We do not categorise this event to a specific group; it is a community: existing businesses and startups, unicorns and small market players, and all others interested in this field or who simply want to learn more can come along and gain experience from experts and gather a multitude of useful contacts," says S. Budbergytė-Zabielaitė.
Educating a new generation
The conference programme will consist of three parts: "How Soon is Tomorrow", "Seizing Today's Opportunities", and "Education Prerequisite". The latter in the conference is dedicated to education. It is organized for high school students, teachers and higher education representatives who are interested in and want to learn about the new Internet era.
This year, the education part is initiated by VU Business School, which was a participant in the conference last year, but they decided to become partners this year and introduce students and the academic community to the WEB3 sector. The organisers are delighted that the education part is supported by "Western Union Lithuania."
The programme includes a part called "How Soon is Tomorrow," which is intended for visionaries and will focus on discussing the possibilities of the WEB3 sector in the near future. "Seizing Today's Opportunities" will address what is happening right now in the present day, including the question of what opportunities are available, and what can be done today in the WEB3 sector.
The conference programme is constantly being updated. The organisation of the conference is supported by the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, "Lewben," "Super How," and "TGS Baltic." The event's main sponsor is the Swiss-based electronic crypto and traditional payment platform "swissmoney."
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